Parallax Lite

An authorable system for powerful motion.


This component allows us to add x and y, starting and ending parameters to images and text, without adding heavy loading time, giving us a tool to tell more visual stories.

Module specifications

  • Requires a minimum of two assets. No maximum.
  • Background color is configurable
  • Both text boxes and images can be considered assets
  • Motion can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, spinning
  • Designers must indicate a start, end, and rotation percentage notes in comps 
  • Recommend using static versions for tablet and mobile using the Multi-Viewport component

Character counts (with spaces)

  • n/a

Example layouts

Feel the power of Victus

Recommend static layout for mobile and tablet, using the Multi-Viewport container

Style, meet function

Style, meet function



For Zeplin access contact the UX Design Manager
