Paralax light

An authorable system for powerful motion.


This component allows us to add x and y, starting and ending parameters to images and text, without adding heavy loading time, giving us a tool to tell more visual stories.

Module specifications

  • Requires a minimum of two assets. No maximum.
  • Background color is configurable
  • Both text boxes and images can be considered assets
  • Motion can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, spinning
  • Designers must indicate a start, end, and rotation percentage notes in comps 
  • Recommend using static versions for tablet and mobile using the Multi-Viewport component

Character counts (with spaces)

  • n/a

Example layouts

Feel the power of Victus

Recommend static layout for mobile and tablet, using the Multi-Viewport container

Style, meet function

Style, meet function



For Zeplin access contact the UX Design Manager


Components can only be copied from our library, unless you belong to our HP Enterprise Figma instance.